1. NLCS: Create an account

It takes just minutes to set up an account for your family on our portal.

Updated over a week ago

All transactions at the canteen, including online pre-ordering and in-person cashless card payments are processed through the Victus Portal, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Why do I need an account?

Per the school's policies, all students in PKG-G5 need to have all food and drink items pre-ordered for them. Setting up an account on our portal is the only way to order meals for your child.

For senior students, creating an account and linking a card to your family e-wallet allows you to manage lunch spending more easily, with a daily summary of items bought, and a configurable limit

Create your account

To use the system, you must register a family account. You can do this in seconds by visiting the portal, then clicking on "Create an account".

You will need to fill out the following information:

  • Username (e.g. user1234 - this cannot have any spaces or characters)

  • Parent's email address

  • A password for the account

  • Parent’s full name

  • Parent’s phone number

When you have completed registration, you will receive a confirmation email at your registered email address. You must click the link in the email to verify your account.

You will be returned to the portal, where you can log in with your username and new password.

Having issues?

Some users encounter issues registering or signing in because of the following:

  • You were an existing user on our old system, and have not received or clicked to accept the invitation to register on the new system, which was sent by email

  • You are trying to input a username with a space or special character; please create a simple username e.g. james_a or sarah1231

  • Your device is autocorrecting your inputs or is set to a different language, so it is changing your text after you have typed (e.g. you typed "laurencer" and your autocorrect changed the text to "Lancer").

Please check that your text has been input correctly, as it is not always possible to reset an account that has become locked due to incorrect data entry.

Create your child(ren)'s profile

When you have logged in, you must create a profile for each of your children. You will need to do the following:

  1. Click on Child Profile

  2. Click Add Child

  3. Add your child's details:

    1. Add your child’s full name as registered with the school. Include any English names in brackets (e.g. Li Shao (Tommy))

    2. Select NLCS as the school

    3. Select the Grade level (KG years are at the bottom of the list)

    4. Type their class for the current year - e.g. KG2A, or G5L (please contact the relevant school office if you need assistance with your child’s year)

    5. You can add the student ID number (found on the school student ID card), gender and birthdate if you wish, however this is not required.

    6. Please select yes if your child is allergic to Dairy, Egg, or Gluten. The system will then prohibit purchases of items that your child may be allergic to.

Please note that NLCS (Singapore) is a strictly no-nut school, and Victus does not use nuts or nut products of any kind in its production. Our kitchen is not Halal-certified, however we are strictly pork, lard and alcohol free, and most of the products used in our cooking are Halal.

Start using your account

Your family account is now ready for use. Click on the following options to learn how to proceed with the next steps of setting up your account.

If your child is in the Junior School (PKG-G5), you can now place meal and snack pre-orders for them by clicking on the "Pre-order" tab.

If your child is in the Senior School (G6-G12), you should now link your child's EZLink or NETS FlashPay card to your account, so that they can pay for purchases in the canteen using your family e-wallet.

For both school sections, you will need to top up your family e-wallet to be able to purchase items.

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